Part 9 – Reset Lost or forgotten vCD 10.x Root Password


In this blog, we are going to reset a lost password for our vCD appliance that has also expired. Typically the vCD root password will by default expire every year and after this happens you won’t be able to SSH into the appliance however the UI will still function.

Blog Series

Step by step guide to Reset the Root Password in vCD

1 – Snapshot the vCD appliance first

2- Reboot the vCD appliance

3- After rebooting the vCD appliance, we need to get into the GRUB Menu to reset the root password

4- Find the line that opens with the word Linux.

5- Type the below entries to the end of the line

rw init=/bin/bash

6- Press F10 to continue booting. The OS continues to boot and you will be presented with this screen

7 – Run the command  pam_tally2 –reset –user root.

8 – Reboot the appliance by running the command: reboot -f

When we change the root password for a VMware Cloud Director appliance, we must also update the appliance certificate Keystore to use the new password and this is done using an application called keytool on the vCD

9- We first will need to know if our cert type is PKCS12 or JCEKS

Run this command to find it

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/jre/bin/keytool -storetype JCEKS -storepass <passwd> -keystore /opt/vmware/ vcloud-director/certificates.ks -list

Keystore type: JCEKS

Keystore provider: SunJCE

As shown above our certificate is JECKS, In modern editions like 10.3, the default cert type will be PKCS12

10- Backup the current certiifcate to a path

cp /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/certificates.ks /oldcert/certificates.ks

11- To rotate the certificate, browse to /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/jre/bin and run the command

./keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/certificates.ks -srcstoretype JCEKS -srcstorepass <oldpasswd> -destkeystore /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/certificates-new.ks -deststoretype JCEKS -deststorepass <newpasswd> -destkeypass <newpasswd>

12- Run the command to replace the old certificates keystore file with the new one.

mv /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/certificates-new.ks /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/certificates.ks

13- To verify the user and group ownership of the keystore file, run the chown command

chown vcloud.vcloud /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/certificates.ks

14- Update the VMware Cloud Director server configuration

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool certificates -j -p –keystore /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/certificates.ks –keystore-password <newpasswd>

15- Reboot vcd services

service vmware-vcd restart

16- Verify Status of vCD Cluster

sudo -i -u postgres /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/repmgr cluster show

We will need to have the same password on all our vCD appliances and the same certificate.key ( certificates.ks ) we generated earlier will need to be placed into opt/vmware/vcloud-director/ on standy vCD’s as well.

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By Ash Thomas

Ash Thomas is a seasoned IT professional with extensive experience as a technical expert, complemented by a keen interest in blockchain technology.

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