In this blog, we will figure out how to set up a downstream WSUS Server that we can use.
The deployment process is covered here
In the upstream server config, we had chosen to Synchronize the Microsoft Update from the Microsoft portal but on the downstream server config, all we are really saying is to fetch the updates from the upstream server rather than going to In effect, the downstream is the equivalent of a read-only domain controller. All the changes such as adding computers, and approving computers all to be done from the upstream server.
Ensure we check the checkbox to configure this server as a replica server
Because it’s a replica server, it won’t give us several options to choose from as we had before. Under the choose languages, we can see that we only have English available.
Choose the time to begin synchronization and click next
Check the begin initial synchronization and click next, then click finish.
Once the synchronization is completed, we can see our downstream server being listed.
Once the synchronization is completed, if you expand the computers, then all computers, you can see all the groups that we created on the upstream server are on the downstream server.