Part 4- Upgrade vcD from 10.0 to 10.2


In this blog, we will attempt to upgrade our vCD appliances from version 10.0 to 10.2.

Blog Series

Summary of vCD Upgrade

Lab Topology

Our current vCD appliances are set up this way

VMVersionvCPUMemory GBStorageQuantity
vCenter7.0 U1210100GB1

VMware Interoperability Matrix

VMware Upgrade Path

As seen we can move our vCD 10.0 to 10.2.2 in one hop

Upgrade the Primary vCloud Director Appliance

During the upgrade of the VMware Cloud Director appliance deployment, the VMware Cloud Director service stops working and some downtime can be expected.

Log in to the UI and verify the health of our vCD environment. Make a not of the primary cell as that’s the one that needs the initial upgrade.

1- Check the Database Status

sudo -i -u postgres /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/repmgr cluster show

2- Power off the primary vCloud Director node Power –> Shutdown Guest OS and take a Snapshot of the VM

3- Power on the primary vCloud Director node VM

4- Log in to the UI and verify if health stats are all good

5- Download the vCD upgrade bundle from

6- Using FileZilla or WinSCP login into our Primary vCD node and create a new folder in the /tmp/local-update-package and copy the upgrade package to it

7- SSH into our primary appliance and navigate to /tmp/local-update-package folder

8- We will now extract the contents of the package using

tar -zxf VMware_Cloud_Director_10.2.2.5821-17855679_update.tar.gz 

9- Now we need to configure the newly created directory /tmp/local-update-package as our update repository.

vamicli update –repo file:///tmp/local-update-package

10- Check for updates from the configured update repository and as seen below we see an upgrade is available

vamicli update –check

10 – Check Cell Status

# /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool -u administrator cell –status

Please enter the administrator password:

Job count = 28

Is Active = true

In Maintenance Mode = false

11- Pause Cloud Director with the following command:

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool -u administrator cell –quiesce true

Please enter the administrator password

12 – Check Cell Status again to see if cell stastus is active or not

root@photon-machine [ ~ ]# /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool -u administrator cell –status

Please enter the administrator password:

Job count = 0

Is Active = false

In Maintenance Mode = false

13- Shutdown Cloud Director with the following command:

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool -u <admin username> cell –shutdown

This username could be administrator of vcdadmin

14-. Start the upgrade procedure on the primary node using the below command

vamicli update –install latest

Upgrade the Standby vCloud Director Appliances

15 – Perform step 6 to step 12 on the remaining standby/application nodes.

Upgrade the Cloud Director Embedded DB

16. Create a backup of the Cloud Director PostgreSQL Database from the primary node.


17. Perform the upgrade of the Cloud Director database.


18. Reboot each Cloud Director appliance by SSH or GUI.

shutdown -r now

19- Log in to the provider portal to validate the version of the Cloud Director instance.

After you apply the upgrade to every VMware Cloud Director appliance and the database upgrade is complete, you must reboot each VMware Cloud Director appliance, wait for it to rejoin the PostgreSQL cluster before rebooting the other appliances.

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By Ash Thomas

Ash Thomas is a seasoned IT professional with extensive experience as a technical expert, complemented by a keen interest in blockchain technology.

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