Part 32 – Azure Bastion

Azure Bastion or jumpstations provides secure RDP and SSH connections via TLS to all virtual machines hosted inside Azure via the Azure portal via their private IP’s. This is a fully managed PAAS service provided by Azure so they manage all the underlying compute infrastructure for us

We will start with creating a subnet named as AzureBastionSubnet in our vNET

Our BastionSubnet is now ready

In the Search bar look for Bastions and select it from the list.

In the Bastions creation page, Click on the “Create” button

Fill in the appropriate details below

  • Subscription
  • Resource Group
  • Bastion name
  • Region
  • Tier – Basic
  • Instance count” set to 2 for the bastion instances.
  • Under the subnet config, we will add the subnet AzureBastionSubnet we created earlier.
  • Assign a public IP to the Bastion

Assign a public IP

In the Bastion creation page, Click on the “Create” button

Wait for the deployment to complete

Our Bastion host is now ready

Choose a VM, under connect options, choose Bastion

Input the password and Click Connect

The web URL will open and will login you in via the web console

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By C A Thomas

Chinchu A. Thomas is an Infrastructure Analyst specializing in Microsoft Azure, the Microsoft 365 suite, AWS, and Windows infrastructure management products.