Part 3- Configure AD authentication to vRops

In this blog, we will quickly connect our AD to our vROPs instance and verify our user authentication via AD

The default local user accounts are present under Administration > Access Control

I’m to create few groups in my AD which will later be used for authentication

Directory authentication needs to be enabled separately for users to log in via AD. To get started, Click Add Button

Give the Identity Provider a name, Source type as Active Directory

Provide these details in the Next tab

  • Source Display Name – ASH DC
  • Source Type – Select Active Directory
  • Domain Name – ASH.Local
  • Username -administrator@ash.local
  • Password –

If you wish to enable SSL/TLS to encrypt the LDAP communication between the vROPS and the domain controller you can do so. For my lab, I haven’t done it.

Click Test to verify settings and Click OK to proceed

Once the session with our AD has been established, we will see our AD source as shown

To add the groups we created into vROps we will need them to be imported from AD and then assign the required role.

Go to Administration – Access Control – import

In the search string, we will just search for our role group we created earlier

Choose the role as administrator and ensure assign this role to the group is ticked as well.

Assign the other required roles and select the object that are required for the group.

Wait for a few minutes for AD sync to complete and then login back to the vROps UI, select AD authentication source instead of local user.

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By Ash Thomas

Ash Thomas is a seasoned IT professional with extensive experience as a technical expert, complemented by a keen interest in blockchain technology.

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