Display qtree
qtree show -qtree “folder name” (This is case senstive)
Display qtree report
vol quota report -vserver SVM05 -volume SVM05_grp04 -quota-specifier <qtree name>
Create a quota policy
If the Disk Limit is 200GB a new Policy will need to be created use the create command shown below
If the Disk Limit is already over 200GB then the an existing policy will have to be modified use the modify command below
Review quota policy rules
volume quota policy rule show -vserver SVM05 -volume SVM05_grp04
Create Quota policy
vol quota policy rule create -vserver SVM05 -policy-name default -type tree -target <qtree> -disk-limit 900GB -soft-disk-limit 850GB -volume <vol name>
Modify Quota policy
vol quota policy rule modify -vserver SVM05 -policy-name default -type tree -target <qtree> -disk-limit 900GB -soft-disk-limit 850GB -volume <vol name>
Quota Resize
vol quota resize -vserver SVM05 -volume <volname>