Volume move will result in a brief outage during cutover. Principle of volume is there will be a snapshot taken at the source which gets replicated to destination aggr. At the end of copying whatever was the changes that happened in between will do a final sync.

Normal vol Cutover

Move volume from one aggr to other

fascls02::*> vol show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -fields aggr-list

vserver volume aggr-list

——- ———– ———————

SVM01 SVM01_vol05 aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM

fascls02::*> vol show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -fields junction-path

vserver volume junction-path

——- ———– ————-

SVM01 SVM01_vol05 /SVM01_vol05

fascls02::*> vol move start -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -destination-aggregate fascls02_01_sata8t_01

[Job 66] Job is queued: Move “SVM01_vol05” in Vserver “SVM01” to aggregate “fascls02_01_sata8t_01”. Use the “volume move show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05” command to view the status of this operation.

fascls02::*> vol move show

Vserver Volume State Move Phase Percent-Complete Time-To-Complete

——— ———- ——– ———- —————- —————-

SVM01 SVM01_vol05

healthy cutover 87% Thu Feb 06 05:56:16 2020

fascls02::*> vol show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -fields aggr-list

vserver volume aggr-list

——- ———– ———————

SVM01 SVM01_vol05 fascls02_01_sata8t_01


Cutover during maintenance window

fascls02::*> vol show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol03 -fields aggr-list

vserver volume aggr-list

——- ———– ———————

SVM01 SVM01_vol05 aggr1_fascls02_05_SVM

Check junction path

fascls02::*> vol show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol03 -fields junction-path

vserver volume junction-path

——- ———– ————-

SVM01 SVM01_vol05 /SVM01_vol05

We must in privlage mode for cutover defer action, command wont work in admin mode

fascls02::> set -privilege advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.

Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y


fascls02::*> vol show

Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used%

——— ———— ———— ———- —- ———- ———- —–

SVM01 SVM01_vol05 aggr1_fascls02_03_SVM

online RW 53MB 50.11MB 0%

online RW 2GB 1.51GB 20%

fascls02::*> vol move start -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -destination-aggregate aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM -cutover-action wait

Warning: When the transfer is complete, trigger the cutover to avoid loss of space savings from efficiency. Do you want to proceed? {y|n}: y

[Job 65] Job is queued: Move “SVM01_vol05” in Vserver “SVM01” to aggregate “aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM”. Use the “volume move show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05” command to view the status of this operation.

fascls02::*> vol move show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05

Vserver Name: SVM01

Volume Name: SVM01_vol05

Actual Completion Time: –

Bytes Remaining: 136KB

Specified Action For Cutover: wait

Specified Cutover Time Window: 30

Destination Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM

Destination Node: fascls02-02

Detailed Status: Cutover Deferred, Waiting for user intervention (2.02MB Sent)::Volume move job preparing transfer.

Estimated Time of Completion: –

Job ID: 65

Managing Node: fascls02-01

Percentage Complete: 87%

Move Phase: cutover_hard_deferred

Prior Issues Encountered: –

Estimated Remaining Duration: –

Replication Throughput: –

Duration of Move: 00:00:37

Source Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_03_SVM

Source Node: fascls02-01

Start Time of Move: Thu Feb 06 05:28:25 2020

Move State: alert

Move Initiated by Auto Balance Aggregate: false

Original Job ID: –

Is Source Volume Encrypted: false

Encryption Key ID of Source Volume:

Is Destination Volume Encrypted: false

Encryption Key ID of Destination Volume:

Trigger cutover

fascls02::*> vol move trigger-cutover -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05

fascls02::*> vol move show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05

Vserver Name: SVM01

Volume Name: SVM01_vol05

Actual Completion Time: –

Bytes Remaining: 136KB

Specified Action For Cutover: defer_on_failure

Specified Cutover Time Window: 30

Destination Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM

Destination Node: fascls02-02

Detailed Status: Volume move job locking down volumes for final transfer

Estimated Time of Completion: Thu Feb 06 05:30:18 2020

Job ID: 65

Managing Node: fascls02-01

Percentage Complete: 93%

Move Phase: replicating

Prior Issues Encountered: –

Estimated Remaining Duration: 00:00:30

Replication Throughput: 164KB/s

Duration of Move: 00:01:23

Source Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_03_SVM

Source Node: fascls02-01

Start Time of Move: Thu Feb 06 05:28:25 2020

Move State: healthy

Move Initiated by Auto Balance Aggregate: false

Original Job ID: –

Is Source Volume Encrypted: false

Encryption Key ID of Source Volume:

Is Destination Volume Encrypted: false

Encryption Key ID of Destination Volume:

fascls02::*> vol move show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05

Vserver Name: SVM01

Volume Name: SVM01_vol05

Actual Completion Time: –

Bytes Remaining: 164KB

Specified Action For Cutover: defer_on_failure

Specified Cutover Time Window: 30

Destination Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM

Destination Node: fascls02-02

Detailed Status: Cutover Started:(1 of 3 attempts) (2.64MB Sent)::Volume move job committing source.

Estimated Time of Completion: Thu Feb 06 05:30:23 2020

Job ID: 65

Managing Node: fascls02-01

Percentage Complete: 93%

Move Phase: cutover

Prior Issues Encountered: –

Estimated Remaining Duration: 00:00:30

Replication Throughput: 164KB/s

Duration of Move: 00:01:28

Source Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_03_SVM

Source Node: fascls02-01

Start Time of Move: Thu Feb 06 05:28:25 2020

Move State: healthy

Move Initiated by Auto Balance Aggregate: false

Original Job ID: –

Is Source Volume Encrypted: false

Encryption Key ID of Source Volume:

Is Destination Volume Encrypted: false

Encryption Key ID of Destination Volume:

fascls02::*> vol move show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05

Vserver Name: SVM01

Volume Name: SVM01_vol05

Actual Completion Time: –

Bytes Remaining: 164KB

Specified Action For Cutover: defer_on_failure

Specified Cutover Time Window: 30

Destination Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM

Destination Node: fascls02-02

Detailed Status: Cutover Started:(1 of 3 attempts) (2.64MB Sent)::Volume move job committing source.

Estimated Time of Completion: Thu Feb 06 05:30:29 2020

Job ID: 65

Managing Node: fascls02-01

Percentage Complete: 93%

Move Phase: cutover

Prior Issues Encountered: –

Estimated Remaining Duration: 00:00:30

Replication Throughput: 164KB/s

Duration of Move: 00:01:34

Source Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_03_SVM

Source Node: fascls02-01

Start Time of Move: Thu Feb 06 05:28:25 2020

Move State: healthy

Move Initiated by Auto Balance Aggregate: false

Original Job ID: –

Is Source Volume Encrypted: false

Encryption Key ID of Source Volume:

Is Destination Volume Encrypted: false

Encryption Key ID of Destination Volume:

fascls02::*> vol move show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05

Vserver Name: SVM01

Volume Name: SVM01_vol05

Actual Completion Time: Thu Feb 06 05:30:01 2020

Bytes Remaining: –

Specified Action For Cutover: defer_on_failure

Specified Cutover Time Window: 30

Destination Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM

Destination Node: fascls02-02

Detailed Status: Successful

Estimated Time of Completion: –

Job ID: 65

Managing Node: fascls02-01

Percentage Complete: 100%

Move Phase: completed

Prior Issues Encountered: –

Estimated Remaining Duration: –

Replication Throughput: 164KB/s

Duration of Move: 00:01:36

Source Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_03_SVM

Source Node: fascls02-01

Start Time of Move: Thu Feb 06 05:28:25 2020

Move State: done

Move Initiated by Auto Balance Aggregate: false

Original Job ID: –

Is Source Volume Encrypted: false

Encryption Key ID of Source Volume:

Is Destination Volume Encrypted: false

Encryption Key ID of Destination Volume:


(Visited 241 times, 1 visits today)

By Ash Thomas

Ash Thomas is a seasoned IT professional with extensive experience as a technical expert, complemented by a keen interest in blockchain technology.

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