Ensuring quality of service with QOS
fascls02::> set advanced
Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Show statistics
fascls02::*> statistics show
show show-periodic
fascls02::*> statistics show-periodic
fascls02: cluster.cluster: 2/19/2020 20:51:49
cpu cpu total fcache total total data data data cluster cluster cluster disk disk pkts pkts
avg busy ops nfs-ops cifs-ops ops recv sent busy recv sent busy recv sent read write recv sent
---- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
5% 7% 0 0 0 0 12.6KB 12.1KB 0% 0B 0B 0% 12.6KB 11.9KB 0B 0B 72 72
3% 4% 0 0 0 0 9.07KB 9.32KB 0% 0B 0B 0% 9.03KB 9.20KB 448KB 396KB 43 43
2% 3% 0 0 0 0 11.8KB 11.7KB 0% 0B 0B 0% 11.8KB 11.6KB 0B 0B 65 65
Aggregate performance
fascls02::statistics*> statistics aggregate show
*Total Read Write Read Write Latency
Aggregate Node Ops Ops Ops (Bps) (Bps) (us)
----------------- ----------- ------ ---- ----- ------ ------ -------
aggr0_fascls02_02 fascls02-02 12 0 4 227328 198656 34961
fascls02-02 0 0 0 0 0 0
fascls02-01 0 0 0 0 0 0
fascls02-02 0 0 0 0 0 0
fascls02-01 0 0 0 0 0 0
fascls02-02 0 0 0 0 0 0
fascls02-01 0 0 0 0 0 0
aggr0_fascls02_01 fascls02-01 0 0 0 0 0 0
Volume performance
fascls02::statistics*> statistics volume show
fascls02 : 2/19/2020 20:53:41
*Total Read Write Other Read Write Latency
Volume Vserver Ops Ops Ops Ops (Bps) (Bps) (us)
------ ----------- ------ ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -------
vol0 fascls02-01 15 0 2 10 720 1638 58
vol0 fascls02-02 4 0 1 2 1814 842 75
SVM09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SVM07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SVM05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SVM01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SVM01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SVM01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SVM01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Volume performance in 3 iterations
fascls02::statistics*> statistics volume show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol01 -iterations 3
fascls02 : 2/19/2020 20:54:24
*Total Read Write Other Read Write Latency
Volume Vserver Ops Ops Ops Ops (Bps) (Bps) (us)
----------- ------- ------ ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -------
SVM01_vol01 SVM01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fascls02 : 2/19/2020 20:54:28
SVM01_vol01 SVM01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fascls02 : 2/19/2020 20:54:32
*Total Read Write Other Read Write Latency
Volume Vserver Ops Ops Ops Ops (Bps) (Bps) (us)
----------- ------- ------ ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -------
SVM01_vol01 SVM01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Start Statistic collection
fascls02::statistics*> statistics start -object volume -instance SVM01_vol01 -counter write_ops -sample-id ash1voltest
Statistics collection is being started for sample-id: ash1voltest
Show statistics
fascls02::statistics*> statistics show -sample-id ash1voltest
Object: volume
Instance: SVM01_vol01
Start-time: 2/19/2020 20:56:26
End-time: 2/19/2020 21:00:01
Elapsed-time: 215s
Scope: SVM01
Counter Value
-------------------------------- --------------------------------
write_ops 0
Stop statistics collection
fascls02::statistics*> statistics stop -sample-id ash1voltest
Statistics collection is being stopped for sample-id: ash1voltest
fascls02::qos statistics volume characteristics*> show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol01
Workload ID IOPS Throughput Request Size Read Concurrency
--------------- ------ -------- ---------------- ------------ ---- -----------
-total- - 0 0KB/s 0B 0% 0
-total- - 0 0KB/s 0B 0% 0
-total- - 0 0KB/s 0B 0% 0
-total- - 0 0KB/s 0B 0% 0
-total- - 0 0KB/s 0B 0% 0
-total- - 0 0KB/s 0B 0% 0
-total- - 0 0KB/s 0B 0% 0
Policy Groups
are used to gurantee a certain amount of resources to something
fascls02::qos*> policy-group show
This table is currently empty.
fascls02::qos*> qos policy-group create -policy-group vol01test -vserver SVM01
fascls02::qos*> policy-group show
Name Vserver Class Wklds Throughput Is Shared
---------------- ----------- ------------ ----- ------------ ---------
vol01test SVM01 user-defined 0 0-INF true
Adding volume to a policy group
fascls02::qos*> vol modify -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol01 -qos-policy-group vol01test
Volume modify successful on volume SVM01_vol01 of Vserver SVM01.
fascls02::qos*> policy-group show
Name Vserver Class Wklds Throughput Is Shared
---------------- ----------- ------------ ----- ------------ ---------
vol01test SVM01 user-defined 1 0-INF true
fascls02::qos*> policy-group show -policy-group vol01test
Policy Group Name: vol01test
Vserver: SVM01
Uuid: 94343de9-535b-11ea-b8ad-000c296986e2
Policy Group Class: user-defined
Policy Group ID: 4528
Maximum Throughput: INF
Minimum Throughput: 0
Number of Workloads: 1
Throughput Policy: 0-INF
Is Shared: true
fascls02::qos*> qos s
settings statistics
fascls02::qos*> qos statistics performance show -policy-group vol01test
Policy Group IOPS Throughput Latency Is Adaptive? Is Shared?
-------------------- -------- --------------- ---------- ------------ ----------
-total- 13 2.31KB/s 0ms - -
-total- 457 19.01KB/s 195.00us - -
-total- 203 15.38KB/s 213.00us - -
Policy Group with a certain IOPS settings
fascls02::qos*> qos policy-group create -policy-group vol02vol03 -vserver SVM01 -max-throughput 5000iops
fascls02::qos*> qos policy-group show
Name Vserver Class Wklds Throughput Is Shared
---------------- ----------- ------------ ----- ------------ ---------
vol01test SVM01 user-defined 1 0-INF true
vol02vol03 SVM01 user-defined 0 0-5000IOPS true
2 entries were displayed.
Adding two volumes into a policy group
fascls02::qos*> vol modify -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol01 -qos-policy-group vol02vol03
Volume modify successful on volume SVM01_vol01 of Vserver SVM01.
fascls02::qos*> qos statistics performance show -policy-group vol02vol03
Policy Group IOPS Throughput Latency Is Adaptive? Is Shared?
-------------------- -------- --------------- ---------- ------------ ----------
-total- 193 160.68KB/s 13.00us - -
-total- 191 11.44KB/s 197.00us - -
fascls02::qos*> vol modify -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol02 -qos-policy-group vol02vol03
Volume modify successful on volume SVM01_vol02 of Vserver SVM01.
fascls02::qos*> qos statistics performance show -policy-group vol02vol03
Policy Group IOPS Throughput Latency Is Adaptive? Is Shared?
-------------------- -------- --------------- ---------- ------------ ----------
-total- 228 22.30KB/s 190.00us - -
-total- 21 15.75KB/s 147.00us - -
-total- 16 0.50KB/s 0ms - -
fascls02::qos*> qos policy-group
fascls02::qos policy-group*> show
Name Vserver Class Wklds Throughput Is Shared
---------------- ----------- ------------ ----- ------------ ---------
vol01test SVM01 user-defined 0 0-INF true
vol02vol03 SVM01 user-defined 2 0-5000IOPS true
2 entries were displayed.
fascls02::qos policy-group*>
fascls02::qos policy-group*> show vol02vol03 -instance
Policy Group Name: vol02vol03
Vserver: SVM01
Uuid: 0bee5faa-535c-11ea-b8ad-000c296986e2
Policy Group Class: user-defined
Policy Group ID: 1422
Maximum Throughput: 5000IOPS
Minimum Throughput: 0
Number of Workloads: 2
Throughput Policy: 0-5000IOPS
Is Shared: true
fascls02::qos policy-group*> show vol02vol03 -vserver SVM01
Policy Group Name: vol02vol03
Vserver: SVM01
Uuid: 0bee5faa-535c-11ea-b8ad-000c296986e2
Policy Group Class: user-defined
Policy Group ID: 1422
Maximum Throughput: 5000IOPS
Minimum Throughput: 0
Number of Workloads: 2
Throughput Policy: 0-5000IOPS
Is Shared: true
Adaptive QOS policy
qos adapative-policy-group show
qos adaptive-policy-group create -policy-group <vol1vol2> -vserver NAS -expected-iops 100iops/tb -peak-iops 1000 iops/tb -peak-iops-allocation used-space -absolute-min-iops 100iops
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