fascls02::> network interface show Logical Status Network Current Current Is Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ---- Cluster fascls02-01_clus1 up/up fascls02-01 e0a true fascls02-01_clus2 up/up fascls02-01 e0b true fascls02-02_clus1 up/up fascls02-02 e0a true fascls02-02_clus2 up/up fascls02-02 e0b true fascls02 cluster_mgmt up/up fascls02-01 e0c true fascls02-01_mgmt1 up/up fascls02-01 e0c true fascls02-02_mgmt1 up/up fascls02-02 e0c true 7 entries were displayed. fascls02::> network port broadcast-domain show IPspace Broadcast Update Name Domain Name MTU Port List Status Details ------- ----------- ------ ----------------------------- -------------- Cluster Cluster 1500 fascls02-02:e0a complete fascls02-02:e0b complete fascls02-01:e0a complete fascls02-01:e0b complete Default Management 1500 fascls02-02:e0c complete fascls02-02:e0f complete fascls02-01:e0c complete fascls02-01:e0f complete 2 entries were displayed fascls02::> network port show Node: fascls02-01 Speed(Mbps) Health Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- a0a Default - up 1500 auto/- healthy e0a Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0b Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0c Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0d Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0e Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0f Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy Node: fascls02-02 Speed(Mbps) Health Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- e0a Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0b Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0c Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0d Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0e Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0f Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy 13 entries were displayed. fascls02::> network interface show Logical Status Network Current Current Is Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ---- Cluster fascls02-01_clus1 up/up fascls02-01 e0a true fascls02-01_clus2 up/up fascls02-01 e0b true fascls02-02_clus1 up/up fascls02-02 e0a true fascls02-02_clus2 up/up fascls02-02 e0b true fascls02 cluster_mgmt up/up fascls02-01 e0c true fascls02-01_mgmt1 up/up fascls02-01 e0c true fascls02-02_mgmt1 up/up fascls02-02 e0c true 7 entries were displayed.
Creating interface groups fascls02::> network port ifgrp create -node fascls02-02 -ifgrp a0a -distr-func ip -mode singlemode fascls02::> network port ifgrp create -node fascls02-01 -ifgrp a0a -distr-func ip -mode singlemode fascls02::> network port show Node: fascls02-01 Speed(Mbps) Health Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- a0a Default - up 1500 auto/- healthy e0a Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0b Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0c Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0d Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0e Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0f Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy Node: fascls02-02 Speed(Mbps) Health Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- a0a Default - down 1500 auto/- - e0a Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0b Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0c Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0d Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0e Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0f Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy 14 entries were displayed. Adding Ports to interface groups fascls02::> network port ifgrp add-port -node fascls02-02 -ifgrp a0a -port e0d fascls02::> network port ifgrp show Port Distribution Active Node IfGrp Function MAC Address Ports Ports -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------- ------- ------------------- fascls02-01 a0a ip 02:0c:29:69:86:e2 partial e0d, e0e fascls02-02 a0a ip 02:0c:29:e2:a8:16 full e0d 2 entries were displayed. fascls02::> network port ifgrp add-port -node fascls02-02 -ifgrp a0a -port e0e fascls02::> network port ifgrp show Port Distribution Active Node IfGrp Function MAC Address Ports Ports -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------- ------- ------------------- fascls02-01 a0a ip 02:0c:29:69:86:e2 partial e0d, e0e fascls02-02 a0a ip 02:0c:29:e2:a8:16 partial e0d, e0e fascls02::network> network interface show Logical Status Network Current Current Is Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ---- Cluster fascls02-01_clus1 up/up fascls02-01 e0a true fascls02-01_clus2 up/up fascls02-01 e0b true fascls02-02_clus1 up/up fascls02-02 e0a true fascls02-02_clus2 up/up fascls02-02 e0b true fascls02 cluster_mgmt up/up fascls02-01 e0c true fascls02-01_mgmt1 up/up fascls02-01 e0c true fascls02-02_mgmt1 up/up fascls02-02 e0c true 7 entries were displayed. fascls02::network> network port show Node: fascls02-01 Speed(Mbps) Health Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- a0a Default - up 1500 auto/- healthy e0a Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0b Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0c Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0d Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0e Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0f Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy Node: fascls02-02 Speed(Mbps) Health Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- a0a Default - up 1500 auto/- healthy e0a Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0b Cluster Cluster up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0c Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0d Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0e Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0f Default Management up 1500 auto/1000 healthy 14 entries were displayed. fascls02::network> network port broadcast-domain show IPspace Broadcast Update Name Domain Name MTU Port List Status Details ------- ----------- ------ ----------------------------- -------------- Cluster Cluster 1500 fascls02-02:e0a complete fascls02-02:e0b complete fascls02-01:e0a complete fascls02-01:e0b complete Default DeptA 1500 - - Management 1500 fascls02-02:e0c complete fascls02-02:e0f complete fascls02-01:e0c complete fascls02-01:e0f complete 3 entries were displayed. fascls02::network> network port ifgrp show Port Distribution Active Node IfGrp Function MAC Address Ports Ports -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------- ------- ------------------- fascls02-01 a0a ip 02:0c:29:69:86:e2 partial e0d, e0e fascls02-02 a0a ip 02:0c:29:e2:a8:16 partial e0d, e0e 2 entries were displayed.
Configure VLAN
fascls02::network port> network port vlan create -node fascls02-01 -vlan-name a0a-15 fascls02::network port> network port vlan create -node fascls02-02 -vlan-name a0a-
Attach vlan to brocastdomain fascls02::network port> network port broadcast-domain add-ports -ipspace Default -broadcast-domain DeptB -ports fascls02-01:a0a-15 fascls02::network port> network port broadcast-domain add-ports -ipspace Default -broadcast-domain DeptB -ports fascls01-01:a0a-15 fascls02::network port> network port broadcast-domain add-ports -ipspace Default -broadcast-domain DeptB -ports fascls02-01:a0a
Show vlan info
fascls02::network port> vlan show Network Network Node VLAN Name Port VLAN ID MAC Address ------ --------- ------- -------- ----------------- fascls02-01 a0a-14 a0a 14 02:0c:29:69:86:e2 a0a-15 a0a 15 02:0c:29:69:86:e2 fascls02-02 a0a-14 a0a 14 02:0c:29:e2:a8:16 a0a-15 a0a 15 02:0c:29:e2:a8:16 4 entries were displayed.
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