fascls02::> vol create -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -aggregate aggr1_fascls02_01_SVM -junction-path /SVM01_vol05

[Job 69] Job succeeded: Successful


fascls02::> vol show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -fields aggr-list,junction-path

vserver volume      aggr-list             junction-path 

——- ———– ——————— ————- 

SVM01   SVM01_vol05 aggr1_fascls02_01_SVM /SVM01_vol05  

fascls02::volume> vol move start -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -destination-aggregate fascls02_01_sata8t_01
[Job 70] Job is queued: Move “SVM01_vol05” in Vserver “SVM01” to aggregate “fascls02_01_sata8t_01”. Use the “volume move show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05” command to view the status of this operation.

fascls02::volume> vol show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -fields aggr-list,junction-path
vserver volume aggr-list junction-path
——- ———– ——————— ————-
SVM01 SVM01_vol05 fascls02_01_sata8t_01 /SVM01_vol05

fascls02::volume> vol unmount -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05
fascls02::volume> vol show -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -fields aggr-list,junction-path
vserver volume aggr-list junction-path
——- ———– ——————— ————-
SVM01 SVM01_vol05 fascls02_01_sata8t_01 –

fascls02::volume> vol rehost -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol05 -destination-vserver SVM09

Warning: Rehosting a volume from one Vserver to another Vserver does not change the security information on that volume.
If the security domains of the Vservers are not identical, unwanted access might be permitted, and desired access might be denied. An attempt to
rehost a volume will disassociate the volume from all volume policies and policy rules. The volume must be reconfigured after a successful or
unsuccessful rehost operation.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
[Job 71] Job succeeded: Successful

Info: Volume is successfully rehosted on the target Vserver.

Vol show

fascls02::volume> vol show -vserver SVM09 -volume SVM01_vol05 -fields aggr-list,junction-path
vserver volume aggr-list junction-path
——- ———– ——————— ————-
SVM09 SVM01_vol05 fascls02_01_sata8t_01 –

Vol mount (mount a vol to a junction path manually before rehost)

fascls02::volume> vol mount -vserver SVM09 -volume SVM01_vol05 -junction-path /SVM01_vol05

Warning: The export-policy “default” has no rules in it. The volume will therefore be inaccessible over NFS and CIFS protocol.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

fascls02::volume> vol show -vserver SVM09 -volume SVM01_vol05 -fields aggr-list,junction-path
vserver volume aggr-list junction-path
——- ———– ——————— ————-
SVM09 SVM01_vol05 fascls02_01_sata8t_01 /SVM01_vol05

fascls02::volume> vol modify -vserver SVM09 -volume SVM01_vol05 -state offline

Warning: Volume “SVM01_vol05” on Vserver “SVM09” must be unmounted before being taken offline or restricted. Clients will not be able to access the affected
volume and related junction paths after that. Do you still want to unmount the volume and continue? {y|n}: y
Volume modify successful on volume SVM01_vol05 of Vserver SVM09.

Vol show
fascls02::volume> vol show -vserver SVM09 -volume SVM01_vol05 -fields aggr-list,junction-path,state
vserver volume aggr-list state junction-path
——- ———– ——————— ——- ————-
SVM09 SVM01_vol05 fascls02_01_sata8t_01 offline –

fascls02::volume> vol delete -vserver SVM09 -volume SVM01_vol05

Warning: Are you sure you want to delete volume “SVM01_vol05” in Vserver “SVM09” ? {y|n}: y
[Job 72] Job succeeded: Successful

Vol modify ( increase a volume )

fascls02::> vol modify -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol04 -size +20MB

fascls02::> vol modify -vserver SVM01 -volume SVM01_vol04 -size 200MB

(Visited 39 times, 1 visits today)

By Ash Thomas

Ash Thomas is a seasoned IT professional with extensive experience as a technical expert, complemented by a keen interest in blockchain technology.

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