cls02::> fascls02::> cluster show Node Health Eligibility --------------------- ------- ------------ fascls02-01 true true fascls02-02 true true 2 entries were displayed. fascls02::> vserver show Admin Operational Root Vserver Type Subtype State State Volume Aggregate ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- fascls02 admin - - - - - fascls02-01 node - - - - - fascls02-02 node - - - - - 3 entries were displayed. fascls02::> aggr show Aggregate Size Available Used% State #Vols Nodes RAID Status --------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------ aggr0_fascls02_01 4.17GB 2.16GB 48% online 1 fascls02-01 raid_dp, normal aggr0_fascls02_02 4.17GB 2.16GB 48% online 1 fascls02-02 raid_dp, normal 2 entries were displayed. fascls02::>
fascls02::> storage disk show Usable Disk Container Container Disk Size Shelf Bay Type Type Name Owner ---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- -------- NET-1.1 1020MB - 16 FCAL aggregate aggr0_fascls02_01 fascls02-01 NET-1.2 1020MB - 17 FCAL aggregate aggr0_fascls02_01 fascls02-01 NET-1.3 1020MB - 18 FCAL aggregate aggr0_fascls02_01
fascls02::> storage disk show -aggregate aggr0_fascls02_02
Usable Disk Container Container
Disk Size Shelf Bay Type Type Name Owner
—————- ———- —– — ——- ———– ——— ——–
NET-2.1 1020MB – 16 FCAL aggregate aggr0_fascls02_02
NET-2.2 1020MB – 17 FCAL aggregate aggr0_fascls02_02
NET-2.3 1020MB – 18 FCAL aggregate aggr0_fascls02_02
fascls02::> storage aggregate create -aggregate aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM 5 -node fascls02-02 Info: The layout for aggregate "aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM" on node "fascls02-02" would be: First Plex RAID Group rg0, 5 disks (block checksum, raid_dp) Usable Physical Position Disk Type Size Size ---------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- -------- dparity NET-2.13 FCAL - - parity NET-2.21 FCAL - - data NET-2.14 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB data NET-2.22 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB data NET-2.15 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB Aggregate capacity available for volume use would be 2.64GB. fascls02::> storage aggr show Aggregate Size Available Used% State #Vols Nodes RAID Status --------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------ aggr0_fascls02_01 4.17GB 2.16GB 48% online 1 fascls02-01 raid_dp, normal aggr0_fascls02_02 4.17GB 2.16GB 48% online 1 fascls02-02 raid_dp, normal aggr1_fascls02_01_SVM 2.64GB 2.64GB 0% online 0 fascls02-01 raid_dp, normal aggr1_fascls02_02_SVM 2.64GB 2.64GB 0% online 0 fascls02-02 raid_dp, normal aggr1_fascls02_03_SVM 2.64GB 2.64GB 0% online 0 fascls02-01 raid_dp, normal aggr1_fascls02_04_SVM 2.64GB 2.64GB 0% online 0 fascls02-02 raid_dp, normal 6 entries were displayed.
ascls02::> storage aggregate show -aggregate aggr1_fascls02_01_SVM Aggregate: aggr1_fascls02_01_SVM Storage Type: hdd Checksum Style: block Number Of Disks: 5 Mirror: false Disks for First Plex: NET-1.4, NET-1.14, NET-1.5, NET-1.18, NET-1.7 Disks for Mirrored Plex: - Partitions for First Plex: - Partitions for Mirrored Plex: - Node: fascls02-01 Free Space Reallocation: off HA Policy: sfo Ignore Inconsistent: off Space Reserved for Snapshot Copies: - Aggregate Nearly Full Threshold Percent: 95% Aggregate Full Threshold Percent: 98% Checksum Verification: on RAID Lost Write: on Enable Thorough Scrub: off Hybrid Enabled: false Available Size: 2.64GB Checksum Enabled: true Checksum Status: active Cluster: fascls02 Home Cluster ID: 0810e6e2-4754-11ea-ad73-000c297801f7 DR Home ID: - DR Home Name: - Inofile Version: 4 Has Mroot Volume: false Has Partner Node Mroot Volume: false Home ID: 4082368507 Home Name: fascls02-01 Total Hybrid Cache Size: 0B Hybrid: false Inconsistent: false Press <space> to page down, <return> for next line, or 'q' to quit... fascls02::> storage aggregate show -aggregate aggr1_fascls02_01_SVM -fields hybrid aggregate hybrid --------------------- ------ fascls02::> storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate aggr1_fascls02_01_SVM -disktype SSD -diskcount 3 -raidtype raid4 -simulate Error: command failed: Addition of disks would fail for aggregate "aggr1_fascls02_01_SVM" on node "fascls02-01". Reason: "-raidtype" is supported only when adding SSD disks for the first time to a hybrid-enabled aggregate. fascls02::> vserver create -vserver SVM01 -rootvolume SVM01_root -aggregate aggr1_fascls02_01_SVM [Job 34] Job succeeded: Vserver creation completed. fascls02::> vserver show Admin Operational Root Vserver Type Subtype State State Volume Aggregate ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- SVM01 data default running running SVM01_root aggr1_ fascls02_ 01_SVM fascls02 admin - - - - - fascls02-01 node - - - - - fascls02-02 node - - - - - 4 entries were displayed.
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