Clone a GPO Using Group Policy Management

A quick guide to show the process involved in cloning an existing GPO

  1. Under GPO, expand the Group policy container and choose Backup All

2 Give the location to backup the file to

3 All our GPO’s are backed up.

3 Right Click the GPO container, choose to add a new GPO and give it a name

4 Once the new GPO is created, we just need to right-click the GPO select import settings and complete the wizard

4 Click Next to continue

5 Choose the Backup option

6 Choose the Backup location where we backed up the GPO

7 Pick a GPO we wish to clone settings from

8 Click Next to continue

9 Click Finish to continue

10 Our sample GPO has now settings cloned

11 As expected we can now see the desired output.

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By Ash Thomas

Ash Thomas is a seasoned IT professional with extensive experience as a technical expert, complemented by a keen interest in blockchain technology.