Part 1 – How to Install WSUS Role on Server 2022


The core function of the WSUS server in Windows is just to allow administratively tested and authorised Windows patches to be installed on our wider Windows Server machines in the domain environment. It just gives the fine control to allow what and when Windows updates need to be installed onto servers.

Other Windows servers on our network can query our WSUS server to install all the administrator-approved updates.

In this blog, we will install and configure the WSUS role on our Windows Server.

How does WSUS get updates?

  • Download updates directly from Microsoft
  • Download updates from another WSUS server ( also known as upstream )

Architectural Diagram

We will aim to build something very similar to shown in this diagram


System Requirements

WSUS Firewall Requirments

WSUS VM Sizing Requirements

Since we have deployed it in our lab, we have deployed it with bare minimum settings.

VMvCPUMemory GBStorageFirewall PortsPurpose
VIRT-WSUS-12440GB8530 and 8531WSUS Upstream Server
VIRT-WSUS-22440GB8530 and 8531WSUS DownStream Server
VIRT-WSUS-32440GB8530 and 8531WSUS VM in Isolated Network
VIRT-AD-012440GBActive Directory
VIRT-DESK-012440GBWindows 10 Client VM01
VIRT-DESK-022440GBWindows 10 Client VM02
VIRT-2k19-012440GBWindows 2019 Server VM01
VIRT-2k19-022440GBWindows 2019 Server VM02

Deploy WSUS Role on Windows Server 2022

1- Open Server Manager dashboard, click Manage and then click Add Roles and Features.

2- Choose Role-Based or Feature-based installation under Installation type.

3- Choose the server from the list that needs WSUS installed from the list

4- Select the role Windows Server Update Services

6- Select Add Features.

add features that are required

7- Click next.

8- WSUS requires one of the following databases:

  • Windows Internal Database (WID) or
  • SQL SQL Server ( Standard, Enterprise,Express) for big production envt’s

We will just select WID Connectivity and choose WSUS Services and then click Next.

9- We will now need to specify a location to keep all the downloaded Windows Updates

10- Under the Web Server Role (IIS), click next.

11- Leave everything at default settings and click Next.

12- Review and finalize the install

13- Post Install , launch Post-installation tasks as shown

14- Click Close when installation has succeeded

15- Reboot the VM

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By Ash Thomas

Ash Thomas is a seasoned IT professional with extensive experience as a technical expert, complemented by a keen interest in blockchain technology.

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